A breast reduction surgery can alleviate many physical pains and ailments that come with having larger than normal breasts. For example, it is common for those who have bigger chests to experience chronic headaches due to constantly hunching over when they walk because their posture becomes compromised in the process. Furthermore, this procedure offers better lung capacity by correcting the poor posture which improves breathing as well.
Many women find themselves in a predicament where their breasts are getting too big and it’s making life difficult, negatively affecting posture and interfering with daily tasks like exercising or even walking downstairs. It can be hard to stay active when your chest is so huge that you have limited mobility- but breast reduction surgery could fix all of those issues for good!
There is a lot to be said about the benefits of having breast reduction surgery, and they are often mental as well.
The most obvious physical benefit for many people with this procedure is that their breasts will shrink in size. When deciding on which size you want your new end result to be before undergoing such an operation, it’s best if we see what you like beforehand so there won’t be any surprises after!
Although less common than its counterpart (breast augmentation), psychologically speaking one major perk from reducing bust size can come in being able to feel more comfortable when socializing and sharing physical activities. Breast reduction not only does make things easier socially but also comes without the pain of physically carrying extra weight all day long.
After this surgery, most of our doctors recommend not lifting more than 5 pounds for three weeks. Hard physical activities should be avoided as well for at least two weeks. Uplifting arms should be also avoided at the beginning of the recovery period.
Although most patients worry about severe pain after surgery, the reality is that the procedure is very well tolerated. Some relatively light painkillers can do the job for the discomfort of the first days.
Patients should also wear a sports bra for four weeks after the surgery to help the healing process. Wearing sports bras contributes to not restricting movement while healing is underway- which usually takes four weeks before new measurements are needed.
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A Breast Reduction involves three basic steps:
Surgery is typically performed as an outpatient procedure, using general anesthesia or intravenous sedation and local anesthesia. It is typical for a portion of the injected fat not to “take” in its new location an experienced cosmetic surgeon will take this into account and may initially inject a slightly greater amount of fat into the buttocks that is needed to ensure your final results most closely achieve your goals.
Having an operation on the buttocks requires some special modifications during recovery. While pain is typically minimal and easily controlled through pain medication, you will not be allowed to sit or lie directly on your buttocks for about 2 weeks after a Brazilian butt lift.
During this time, you will need to sleep on your stomach or side, and either lie this way or stand for all activity except using the toilet. When you are ready, your surgeon will allow you to sit in a modified position, using a “donut” seat or placing a pillow under your thighs to avoid pressure on the buttocks. Normal sitting activity is typically allowed after 8 weeks or so.
Given you follow your cosmetic surgeon’s instructions, you should be able to resume light daily activities within 1 week after surgery and return to work within 10 to 14 days.
Breast Reduction results are meant to last for many years. Fat cells removed with liposuction will not return to the area, and fat cells that survive the transfer to the buttocks will remain for years to come. However, significant weight fluctuations can affect your results, to maintain a stable weight to keep your results looking their best.
Results are typically final within 6 months of surgery after residual swelling has gone away and you are fully healed. By this time, your curvier buttocks and improved lower body proportions will be noticeable in how you look and in the way clothing fits.
When performed by Board Cetified Plastic Surgeon, a Liposuction is a rewarding procedure with long-lasting results.